Tuesday, April 24, 2012

These Cards Are Beachy!

As I mentioned last month, Sally, Anne and I have started up a new club that meets on the second Wednesday of the month (except July, and December - I think). This month we're going to be making a set of five (5) cards and a matching box.

These cards use the Close To My Heart paper - Footloose, and are embellished with Seaside Wooden Shapes and Mocha Opaques. The cards and envelopes fit into this cool box and would make a great gift for someone else -- or YOU!

Before I post the rest of the pictures, here are the details:
  • Footloose Card Workshop
  • Wednesday, May 9
  • 6:30 - 8:30 PM
  • Round Table Pizza at 9500 Greenback Ln # 1, Folsom, CA  [I know it's confusing that we're having clubs at two different RTP, but this is the one near Ace Hardware and Big Lots, where Madison and Greenback come together.]
  • Cost is $15
  • RSVP to register by April 30 [Send an email to me at montanabaitshop@hotmail.com]
We will have a limited number of spots for this workshop, so please respond early.

These cards were really fun to make and I know you'll love how they turn out. The wooden shell shapes are really beautiful.  The cards are all 5-1/2" x 4-1/4". The project includes 5 cards with envelopes and the box.
Here are some more pictures showing the card details:

[Special thanks to our fellow CTMH consultant, Debbi Fournier who provided the inspiration for this project.]

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